Additive Manufacturing VS Subtractive Manufacturing

September 22, 2021

Additive Manufacturing vs Subtractive Manufacturing: Which is Better for Manufacturing?

Additive manufacturing and subtractive manufacturing are two different processes used in manufacturing industry. Both processes have their advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one depends on the specific application.

Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing is a process of building 3D objects by adding layers of material one by one until the final product is complete. This process is also known as 3D printing. The materials used in additive manufacturing include thermoplastics, metals, ceramics, composites, and other materials.

Subtractive Manufacturing

Subtractive manufacturing, on the other hand, is a process of removing material from a block or piece of material, to create the desired shape of a product. This process is done by using cutting tools such as drills, mills, or lathes.

Both additive and subtractive manufacturing have their advantages and disadvantages, let's have a detailed look:

Advantages of Additive Manufacturing

  1. Design Flexibility: Additive manufacturing enables manufacturers to create complex designs that were not possible before with traditional manufacturing processes. This increases the range of possibilities for product design and development.

  2. Waste Reduction: Additive manufacturing generates less waste than subtractive manufacturing. The raw material is used only where it is needed, so wastage is minimized.

  3. Speed: Additive manufacturing can be faster than subtractive manufacturing for small production runs because it requires minimal setup time.

Disadvantages of Additive Manufacturing

  1. Cost: Additive manufacturing can be expensive when producing large quantities of products because the materials used in 3D printing can be costly.

  2. Limited Size: The size of the product that can be 3D printed is limited by the size of the printer. Bigger products require a large 3D printer which can be expensive.

  3. Surface Finish: The surface finish of 3D printed products is not as smooth as subtractively manufactured products.

Advantages of Subtractive Manufacturing

  1. Cost: Subtractive manufacturing is a cost-effective process that uses less material compared to additive manufacturing.

  2. Repeatability: Subtractive manufacturing can create identical copies of a product with consistent accuracy.

  3. Surface Finish: Subtractively manufactured products have a smoother surface finish than 3D printed products.

Disadvantages of Subtractive Manufacturing

  1. Waste: Subtractive manufacturing generates more waste than additive manufacturing.

  2. Limited Designs: Subtractively manufactured products are limited to the designs that can be created with cutting tools.

  3. Longer Lead Times: Subtractive manufacturing requires more setup time compared to additive manufacturing, which can lead to longer lead times.

Which is Better?

Choosing between additive and subtractive manufacturing depends on the specific application, budget and preference. Both manufacturing methods have their benefits and drawbacks.


Additive manufacturing and subtractive manufacturing are two different approaches to manufacturing. Both are important in the manufacturing industry, and one isn't better than the other. The best approach depends on the specific application and budget.


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